
Stefano Zambon


Elk Audio

About Me

CTO at Elk, wearing multiple hats (embedded developer, DSP programmer, technical manager)


  • Squeeze JUCE and Bottle It Into Embedded Devices and More

    14:50 - 15:10 UTC | Monday 11th November 2024 | Bristol 2

    Running JUCE applications on embedded Linux devices is not a new thing. The topic has been treated in previous ADCs and, most notably, at ADC 2016 Felipe Tonello introduced a repository for Yocto/OpenEmbedded to make the task easier. However, several things have changed in the meantime both in JUCE and in the embedded Linux world. This talk will present a new integration between CMake-based JUCE projects and Yocto/Openembedded, targeting modern embedded Linux platforms using the Raspberry Pi as an example. The focus will be on the entire embedded development workflow, showing how to build target filesystem that can be run […]