
Julian Storer


Cmajor Software Ltd

About Me

I'm the creator of JUCE, Tracktion, Cmajor and CHOC 🙂


  • Javascript, WebViews and C++

    “If You Can’t Beat Them, Join Them”
    09:00 - 09:50 UTC | Tuesday 12th November 2024 | Bristol 2

    This talk is an "everything you need to know" about the pros, cons, tricks, tips and gotchas of using a WebView and javascript in your native C++ app or plugin. Over the last few years, more and more developers have been drawn to web-technology for their GUIs because HTML/CSS/JS is so ubiquitous, has great tools, a huge ecosystem, and is fast to iterate on. However, gaffer-taping a WebView onto some back-end code written in C++ can be complicated. After 30 years of writing UIs (and UI frameworks) in C++, I've spent the last couple of years migrating to WebViews in […]