
Janos Buttgereit

Software Developer


About Me

I am a plugin developer with a passion for audio and all the deep details of the C++ language. I've been working at sonible for a few years now and particularly enjoy maintaining the cross-product internal codebase and frameworks and optimizing performance-critical DSP code. In addition to being a software developer, I also work as a live sound engineer, which helps me stay connected to what audio plugins should be all about: Making music sound as good as possible.


  • What the World Would Look Like if Plugin Instances Could Simply Talk to Each Other

    How We Approach Inter-Plugin-Instance-Communication Today and How It Could Be Approached Tomorrow
    15:00 - 15:50 UTC | Wednesday 13th November 2024 | Empire

    End of 2021 we launched smart:EQ 3 which featured an Inter-Plugin-Communication approach for the first time that allows finding other instances of the plugin in the project and define groups of plugins. End of 2023 smart:EQ 4 was released which took the concept even further and allows to fully remote control each instance of smart:EQ 4 in the project from the Editor of any instance. Based on the experience collected during the implementation of smart:EQ 3 we started creating an entire in-house abstraction framework focused on the idea of Inter-Plugin-Instance-Communication, which became the backbone of our most recent plugin releases […]