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Workshop: Inclusive Design within Audio Products

What, Why, How?

14:00 - 17:00 UTC | Monday 11th November 2024 | Bristol 1

This workshop will build on the successes of last year’s 'Introduction to Inclusive Design of Audio Products' session. We will focus on providing practical design principles for attendees to take away, backed up by engaging lived experience insights and demonstrations.

We will also take an in-depth look at how Ableton and Arcana are ensuring accessibility within the development of their products.


  • Chair - Jay Pocknell (RNIB / Sound Without Sight)
  • Tim Yates (Drake Music)
  • Musician / Accessibility Consultant: Elizabeth J Birch
  • Musician / Accessibility Consultant: Andre Louis
  • Adi Dickens (Ableton)
  • Haim Kairy (Arcana)


  1. 10 mins. All panellists.
  2. Overview of the social model of disability. Jay and Elizabeth. 10 mins.
  3. Why design inclusively? The importance of accessibility in mainstream tech. Jay and Elizabeth. 10 mins.
  4. Best practice guidelines. Top 5 inclusive design principles for music-making and audio products. 40 mins.
    1. Led by Tim.
    2. Lived experience insights from Elizabeth, Andre, and Jay.
    3. Developer experience from Adi and Haim.
    4. Spotlight inclusively designed products: finalists from MIDI Innovation Awards (e.g. Audio Modelling UniMIDI Hub etc.), plus examples from the two companies on the panel, and ADC sponsors.

[Break. 10 mins.]

  1. Case study – Developing with the community: what Ableton have learnt since investing in accessibility and connecting with their user community during the development of Live 12, Note, and Move. Adi and Andre. 30 mins.
  2. Case study – From the ground up: how Arcana built a company around inclusive design and developed their first instrument, the Arcana Strum, for all. Haim. 30 mins.
  3. Panel Q&A. All panellists. 30 mins.
  4. Call to action. How to learn more, resources to explore. 5 mins.

Jay Pocknell

Tim Yates

Elizabeth J Birch

Andre Louis

Adi Dickens

Haim Kairy