Join Us For ADC23 - London - 13-15 November 2023
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High-Level Programming of FPGAs for Audio Real-Time Signal Processing Applications - Romain Michon

Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are notoriously hard to program, however they present significant advantages over other types of processors for real-time audio signal processing applications. In particular, they offer unparalleled performances in terms of latency, computational power, they can process very large numbers of audio channels in parallel, and run at a very high sampling rate (+10MHz). During this presentation, we'll give an overview of the opensource SyFaLa toolchain which allows for the programming of Xilinx FPGAs with the Faust programming language. We'll also present various applications focusing on different aspects of the potential offered by FPGAs in the context of audio applications: spatial audio, high sampling rate computing, active control of room acoustics, etc.

Romain Michon

Romain Michon is faculty researcher at INRIA (Emeraude Team), associate professor at INSA Lyon, associate researcher at GRAME -- Centre National de Création Musicale in Lyon (France), and lecturer at the Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA) at Stanford University (USA). He has been involved in the development of the Faust programming language since 2008 and he's now part of the core Faust development team at GRAME. He's currently leading (PI) the FAST project ( which aims at (i) facilitating the programming of FPGAs (Field-Programmable Gate Array) in the context of real-time audio signal processing and (ii) exploring the use of this type of platform for the active control of room acoustics. Romain's research interests also involve embedded systems for real-time audio processing, Human Computer Interaction (HCI), New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME), and physical modeling of musical instruments.

Maxime Popoff

Maxime Popoff is a PhD candidate at INSA Lyon (Institut National des Sciences Appliquées), specialized in electronic and embedded systems. He studied at Grenoble-INP and worked as an engineer at the CEA Grenoble and then at Inria where he joined the Emeraude team (INSA Lyon, Inria, GRAME) in 2020. His research work focuses on embedded audio platforms and their programming.

Edited by Digital Medium Ltd -

Organized and produced by JUCE:

Special thanks to the ADC Team:

Sophie Carus
Derek Heimlich
Andrew Kirk
Bobby Lombardi
Tom Poole
Ralph Richbourg
Jim Roper
Jonathan Roper

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