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MIDI Polyphonic Expression (MPE) Profile for MIDI 2 - Gregory Pat Scandalis - ADCx SF

MIDI Polyphonic Expression (MPE) is a MIDI Association standard, which allows for per-note expressive control based on the MIDI 1.0 protocol. The MIDI Association is currently developing a MIDI 2 profile for MPE, which is expected to be completed in 2023.

Initially, MPE was supported by innovative controllers such as the Haken Continuum, the LinnStrument, and the Roli Seaboard. Nowadays, it is supported in numerous music creation tools, including controllers, synthesizers, and DAWs. The aim of this presentation is to provide an introduction to the fundamentals of the current MPE 1 standard, as well as an overview of the work being done on the MPE 2 profile for MIDI 2, including the differences between MPE 1 and MPE 2.

Gregory Pat Scandalis

Gregory Pat Scandalis, CTO and acting CEO moForte Inc has worked for a number of Silicon Valley High Tech Companies. He has held lead engineering positions at National Semiconductor, Teradyne, Apple, and Sun. He has spent the past 29 years working in Digital Media. He was an Audio DSP researcher at Stanford University’s Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA). He co-founded and was the VP of engineering for Staccato Systems, a successful spinout of Stanford/CCRMA that was sold to Analog Devices in 2001. He has held VP positions at (Rhapsody), and Jarrah Systems and he ran Liquid Digital Media which developed and operated all online digital music e-commerce properties for Walmart. He holds a BSc in Physics from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo is a visiting scholar at CCRMA, Stanford, and is currently the chairman of the MPE sub-committee within the MIDI Association.

Edited by Digital Medium Ltd -

Organized and produced by JUCE:

Special thanks to the ADC Team:

Sophie Carus
Derek Heimlich
Andrew Kirk
Bobby Lombardi
Tom Poole
Ralph Richbourg
Jim Roper
Jonathan Roper

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