Join Us For ADC23 - London - 13-15 November 2023
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Test Strategies for Multi-Threaded Code - Ryan Avery - ADCx SF

Multi-threaded code can be complicated. Realtime multi-threaded code even more so. And testing that code? Too often we give up faster than we can say “integration test”. But by switching around your thinking and adopting a few key strategies, you can start to tame the complexity and gain back a little bit of confidence in your critical code.

Ryan Avery

Ryan is an audio software engineer who has worked in the industry for over 15 years. He is passionate about software quality and best practices in real-time audio software development. At Avid Technologies, he developed the Pro Limiter and Pro Multiband Dynamics plugins for Pro Tools. At Dolby Laboratories, Ryan helped develop a suite of plugins for producers to create spatial music in Atmos.

Ryan currently works at Apple, and is an active music producer under the alias of Chance's End, where he brings violin to the front of electronic production.

Edited by Digital Medium Ltd -

Organized and produced by JUCE:

Special thanks to the ADC Team:

Sophie Carus
Derek Heimlich
Andrew Kirk
Bobby Lombardi
Tom Poole
Ralph Richbourg
Jim Roper
Jonathan Roper

#audiodevcon #audiodev #softwaretesting